fnmi identity fraud resources





A true Ally is a Settler who advocates, uplifts, supports, and engages with FNMI Community in their TRUTH as a Settler:
1.  without speaking OVER us
2.  without speaking FOR us
3.  without patronizing us
4.  without acting as a Settler Saviour

True Allies are our friends and respect our autonomy, our nationhood, our cultural protocols, our ceremony, our language and all tenants of FNMI life and culture without interference or judgement.  Allies speak up for us in spaces where Colonialism is unjust and loud (and even when we are not present), and stand beside us when we perform civil actions.  Allies buy our products and services, and share opportunities and economy with us as equals.

True Allies do not support Pretendians and do not punish FNMI when we speak up and ask about Authentication of FNMI in spaces that are Settler Saturated - yet hold FNMI-specific programs - resources and funds within:
- school and campuses;
- government (particularly Indigenous Services Canada and other Govt sectors that control FNMI resources, especially in Procurement);
- private and public sector; 
- conferences, workshops, presentations and events;
- all media including songs, photographs, books, social media and radio; and,
- Truth and Reconciliation.

Further, Allies speak up on our behalf and back us up, when we try and counter situations where Pretendians have supplanted us. Allies answer the call from the Ghost Warrior Society, our affiliates, and FNMI people, who seek to restore Truth in all manners of events, programs, services and spaces that represent us.

culture mining

Culture Mining occurs when a Pretendian or Descendian shares space with FNMI Elders, Teachers and Resource People with nefarious intent.  They learn the skill or acquire the teachings, the icon, and then go to another location (in some cases, another province or territory) and then present themselves in the role of FNMI Elders, Teacher, Resource Person.

This is quite different than when a Reconnecting person goes to acquire Cultural Transference. It is not a humble, learning process. It is an abrupt theft of culture meant to bolster the ego of the Pretendian (Descendian) who engages in it. Culture Mining applies to all manners of culture, including language, ceremony, creation and design of ceremonial items (i.e. the hand drum) and art. Culture Mining is very closely related to Trauma Mining.

Pretendians and Descendians have been known to seek out FNMI spaces to reap the knowledge and practises, to bolster the authenticity of their grift, and it is a narcissistic and violent practise.


A Defendian is a person who defends a Pretendian who has been called out. The Defendian is FNMI (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) themselves, but they may be motivated by friendship, love, other relationship, interest or reward, to come to the defense of the Pretendian.  This behaviour is harmful, because it could potentially undermine the authentication process, and it divides the FNMI community and space.

The defence includes: speaking up on behalf of the Pretendian to say they are FNMI, or that they have good intent, or are kind, or “have done a lot” (for FNMI community). They will also say that those who ask questions are being Laterally Violent, or Bullying the Pretendian. All of these strategies are designed to delay, interfere with, or stop the scrutiny of the Pretendian.

The Defendian may also assist the Pretendian to rally friends, family members, online communities or other social groups to come to the aid of the Pretendian by speaking out on behalf of the Pretendian. This is very harmful behaviour (gaslighting) and can be quite toxic.

Defendians use their positions in FNMI spaces and communities as leverage to make way for the Pretendian, so it is important to not be derailed or intimidated in the pursuit of Truth.


A Dependian is very closely related to a Defendian, but the Dependian has the potential to be a “silent supporter” because their standard of living is very much dependent on the Pretendian.  They may be in a relationship with, the child of, the BFF of, the manager of, the coworker of, the publisher of the Pretendian - and the Dependian is FNMI themselves.

The Dependian relies on the success of the Pretendian, which makes them more pliable in fabricating and achieving any deceptions. The Dependian is very much within the close social circle, or “Circle of Trust” of the Pretendian - and this is a very precarious position, because the Pretendian will constantly leverage that relationship to manipulate them into deliberate acts of deception.

Dependians lead very stressful lives, because they are constantly blackmailed by the Pretendian. The Dependian is very much engaged in the Damage Control Campaigns when Pretendians are revealed, so be aware of the motivations behind those who exact Colonial Violence upon others in the name of the Pretendian.


A Descendian is a person who has a very remote FNMI relative way back in their family genealogy, and then they take that singlular Ancestor from multiple generations back to lay claim to full FNMI benefits today.  That is wrong!

Here is a table to illustrate this concept:
If your last FNMI Ancestor was:
5 GENERATIONS ago - 16 great Grandparents total, 15 are Settler
6 GENERATIONS ago - 32 great great Grandparents total, 31 are Settler
7 GENERATIONS ago - 64 great great great Grandparents total, 63 are Settler
8 GENERATIONS ago - 128 great great great great Grandparents total, 127 are Settler

If your last FNMI Ancestor was five generations back…
Do you have FNMI Lived Experience? NO
What has this Ancestor taught you about being FNMI? NOTHING
Who are you accountable to? NOONE
Being a Descendian means Settlers raised you with Privilege and in the absence of FNMI Lived Experience - there is no authenticity there - and therefore, Desecendians should not be speaking on behalf of FNMI because of that disparity.

Descendians tend to be aggressive, rude, entitled and oblivious to the Circle of Accountability within a nation that only FNMI life experience can give. The Descendian has no concept of family going to Indian Residential School or being part of the Sixties Scoop, or any other Colonial Traumas or Violence, because they have Settler Immunity from such things.

Descendians have no Living Memory of what it is like to be FNMI, and therefore have a serious disconnection and ignorance. Descendians have Settler Privilege.

Drive-By teachings

Drive-by Teachings occur when someone swoops in for a ceremony or teaching, but does not linger in the space to establish relationships.  Drive-by Teachings are common in spaces such as Friendship Centres, Cultural Centres, the Kumik, and other spaces where there is a constant flow of resource people and clients in a cultural community space.

Drive-by Teachings are the fodder of Pretendians and Descendians, who engage in Trauma Mining and Culture Mining. Drive-by Teachings are a form of Culture Mining and closely related to Google Elders.

double down

The Double Down is what happens after a Pretendian has been revealed publicly as having a False Claim to FNMI Identity.  The Pretendian insists that they are indeed FNMI, and is unwilling and/or unable to accept Truth and make it part of their lives.  

The Pretendian continues on as if nothing has happened, and they continue to steal resources, occupy FNMI spaces and roles, and they often turn to rally their supporters to continue the facade, both online and in person. The Pretendian may engage in a Campaign of Retaliation aimed at those who revealed their deception. This retaliation is documented in every case of publicly exposed FNMI Identity Fraud, and the Ghost Warrior Society continues to receive complaints from Defendians and Settlers about “harrassment” of known Pretendians.

These Pretendians, together with their Defendians, double down on the false claim to FNMI Identity and continue without concern, or a genuine apology to FNMI. They never make restitution and they never replace stolen resources, either. They all continue on as if nothing has happened and it is “business as usual.”

The Pretendian may relocate to a new geographic area to grift to new audiences, communities and social groups who are unaware of their False Claims to FNMI Identity.


Doxxing happens after a Pretendian or Descendian has been revealed publicly.  It refers to a retaliation tactic of the Pretendian that publishes or circulates personal information of the Anti-Pretendian Activist/ source/ supporter, such as a street address, personal phone number, workplace address and contact info, and other identifying information that would normally be available only to family and friends of the person being “doxxed”.

Doxxing is a very aggressive action designed to intimidate or silence the FNMI asking questions. The Pretendian will go to great lengths to conceal their deception, and doxxing is one of the most extreme measures used. It is intrusive, and a form of Cyber Bullying, and the reason why sources working with the Ghost Warrior Society are never revealed.

Elder shield

Elder Shield occurs when the Pretendian has been revealed and the aftermath results in the Pretendian having to enact some sort of Damage Control.  Once unmasked, the Pretendian becomes desperate to re-form the connection to FNMI community and resources - so one popular strategy is to use an Elder, or Elders, as shields from controversy.  The Pretendian coerces the Elder(s) to release a public statement or a video or audio statement, or in extreme cases - to sign an affidavit in defense of the Pretendian. 

Instances of Elder Shield are increasing in light of Bill S3. Overall, Elder Shield is a very cringey situation that is, basically, Elder Abuse. It is a harsh reality of FNMI Identity Fraud - the self-preservation tactics of the Pretendian are narcissistic in nature.

First Nations

A First Nations person refers to the original people of North America prior to colonization, and there are hundreds of nations and communities.  First Nations were historically known as “Indians”, “Aboriginal” and now, “Indigenous”.  Examples include the Anishnaabe, the Mi’Kmaq, the Abenaki, the Cree and the Dene, to name some of many.  

First Nations people have their own distinct language, style of dress and cultural practises.

Post colonization, First Nations are one of two racial groups regulated and administered by Colonial Law known as the Indian Act. However, the Indian Act allows Settlers to hold Certificates of Indian Status, and thus - the Ghost Warrior Society does not accept Colonial frameworks of determining FNMI Identity and nationhood. For the purposes of this website, the GWS concentrates on FNMI originating and operating in Canada.


Is the term for when Pretendians want to be EXTRA and prove they are “super Indigenous” by coming into an FNMI space and declaring their teachings as authentic, or their beadwork is the best. Grandstanding is basically, the Pretendian (or Descendian) drawing attention to themselves as being the GOAT in that FNMI space.


A Grift, or “petty swindle”, is how the Ghost Warrior Society describes the predictable actions and strategies of the Pretendian, the Descendian, and Pretendian Orgs. The Grift refers to a deceptive pattern of behaviours and is used in context with the FNMI nation or community claimed, i.e. “That’s some serious Métis Grift”. The Grift refers to the con employed by the Pretendian within the realm of FNMI Identity Fraud.

google elder

A Google Elder is someone who has proclaimed themselves to be an Elder of FNMI community, but who has acquired their teachings from online sources or through A.I.  

Google Elders profess to be knowledgeable of all subjects because they looked it up online and are now, an expert.  Google Elders to be very “wordy” and aggressive and can make a space very toxic for everyone.  They are the first to self-proclaim themselves an Elder, and also tend to have flashy websites and social media, telling everyone that they are an Elder.


“First Nations, Métis, Inuit” - the new terminology to replace the word “Indigenous.”


Hokey refers to the feeling that one gets when encountering a Pretendian, Descendian or someone who may be “trying too hard.”  It is a noticeably contrived, forced, or an overly exaggerated representation of FNMI, and often comes across as comical.  It is one of the characteristics of Pretendians, to wear FNMI Identity in a visual presentation.

For example, it is extremely HOKEY for a community space to hold “Indian Naming Ceremonies” and expect people to just show up and get their Indian names, without having any variety of relationships or knowledge of the people getting named. This is closely related to “Drive By Teachings” because they contain HOKEY elements such as instant Indian Naming Ceremonies.


An Inuk is an original person of this continent prior to colonization, and they lived in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions known as Inuit Nunangat. The language of the Inuit is Inuktitut, and they have their own cultural practises and style of dress.

Post colonization, First Nations are one of two racial groups regulated and administered by Colonial Law known as the Indian Act. In 1999, the territory of Nunavut was created, and Inuit achieved self-government and are now known as Nunavut Land Claims Beneficiaries (but not all Inuuk are beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claim, there are other Inuit Settlements). Inuit also live in Labrador and Newfoundland, and Greenland. The most popular settlements of Inuit south in mainland Canada - are Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Edmonton, based on where First Air and Canadian North fly.

Inuuk have the highest rate of language retention of all FNMI in Canada.

lateral claim

A Lateral Claim (to FNMI Identity) occurs when a Settler claims an FNMI Identity because they are dating, in a relationship with, married to, or has a child or children with an FNMI spouse.  The FNMI partner is almost always aware of this deception.

The Lateral Claim is disingenuous, opportunistic, convenient and an abject failure/ inability to establish trusting relationships with others. Characteristics include: sparse social media presence, joint social media accounts, social media accounts in a name in an FNMI language, hiding biological family members or historical posts prior to the shift to FNMI Identity, defensiveness when asked about FNMI origins or Identity, and collecting FNMI “friends” or “acquaintances” to increase social credit.

The grift of a Lateral Claim can go so far as to have the Pretendian wear regalia, make regalia and teach Pow Wow. Pretendians also use a Lateral Claim to open up businesses and gigs as FNMI, when they are not.

lateral violence

Lateral Violence is a set of negative behaviours and sanctions that are a direct result of colonial oppression.  It occurs between two or more FNMI only, not between FNMI and Settler.

Lateral Violence occurs when Intergenerational Trauma festers inside FNMI and is expressed upon other FNMI. Lateral Violence manifests as: cyberbullying, name calling, microaggressions, exclusion, marginalization, doxxing, violence, threats, insults, and acts of intimidation and coercion. Lateral Violence is not the result of any action by the victim, but is the expression of frustration by the perpetrator, who has suffered colonial harms.

Lateral Violence is countered by connection and Lateral Kindness and Love.

living memory

Living Memory is essential to the authentic FNMI voice.  It refers to the Lived Experience of FNMI.  In the vast majority of FNMI, they have someone in their recent extended family that has been to Indian Residential School/ Day School or TB Sanitoriums. were part of the Sixties Scoop, experienced Intergenerational Trauma or experienced systemic racism.

In the living memory of the Inuit, there is the numbered “dog tag” systems of identification, the RCMP slaughter of Inuit Sled Dogs, and other colonial traumas such as forced relocation and racism.

In the living memory of the Métis, there are Road Allowances, Scrip, relocation, enfranchisement and racism.


A Métis person belongs to a distinct post-colonization cultural group that originated in central continental North America, most notably around the Red River and the prairies and originate from First Nations and Settler unions in that specific geographical area.  The ethnogenesis of the Métis means that they have their own language (Michif), their own cultural practises, and styles of dress.  Métis history includes Road Allowances, enfranchisement and Scrip, and many other colonial harms.  

Colonial Interference and Settler Justice have distorted and exploited Métis identity. In 2024, false claims of Métis identity make up forty percent of the caseload of investigations at the Ghost Warrior Society - Métis are the most commonly and falsely claimed demographic encountered, and we have documented over 300 false Métis orgs, including the MNO (Métis Nation of Ontario).

In fact, almost half of people who believe they are Métis are not actually Métis at all - but are non-status descendants of a First Nation with no ties to the authentic Red River Métis. In Ontario, there are no historical Métis settlements despite misinformation being circulated by false orgs like the Métis Nation of Ontario.

A Métis person is not defined by Colonial Law.  

Métis people come from Métis people, they cannot be created by Colonial Law.

new age hippie (a pretendian)

A New Age Hippie is a person who is not FNMI, but uses FNMI terminology and symbolism to replicate and grift as a Pretendian.  The often call themselves “Shaman” or “Spirit Guide” or “Rhythmic Sound Healer”.  They charge for services, and often have flashy website and graphic design for optimal social media engagement, using terms like:


New Age Hippies build an entire business modelled specifically after FNMI cultural practises, but call it New Age to contort FNMI cultural practises into a Settler-controlled delivery. They are often aggressive and combative with FNMI who question them or challenge them, for using terms like “Moon Ceremony.”

The New Age Hippie is most likely to grift and shift to an FNMI Identity. They often have long hair, dye their hair black, braid their hair, wear dreads, sport FNMI specific tattoos like dreamcatchers, wear FNMI specific clothing (“Landback”, “Every Child Matters”). They are aggressive, entitled, arrogant, and vicious. The New Age Hippie Pretendians are spiritually barren people who want to be paid for, and made famous by, their fabricated proximity to FNMI cultural practises and icons. They also tend to weaponize our cultural practises when they are challenged and like to put down or insult authentic FNMI people through our ceremonial practises (i.e. “You need to smudge”).


Pan-Indigenousness refers to a “melting pot” of FNMI cultures that usually happens in two instances:
1.  with someone is FNMI and is reconnecting or displaced from their home territory; or
2. by a Settler who uses shared space/ internet/ friends/ culture harvesting to acquire patchwork knowledge of FNMI cultural practises including language bits and imagery.

Pan-Indigenous practise is also closely related to Cultural Appropriation. A few examples:
- a Qalipu is using Anishnaabemowin language and culture and not their own;
- an Anishnaabe carves a totem pole;
- saying “Meegwich” to all FNMI; or,
- assuming Two-Spirit is a tribe or nation in itself.
These are just some of the melting pot practises that have arisen out of colonialism, disconnection and Pretendianism - and are based on a false assumption that FNMI people are all the same, and we all say the same things, and do the same things.

In reality, there are hundreds of FNMI nations, communities and language dialects spoken in our lands. Do not assume that all FNMI make dreamcatchers, it is always best to ask about cultural protocols and be teachable and respectful with the cultural practises of FNMI. It must be said that sharing space with us does not mean that you can take our practises and offer them and market them as your own in the future.


Pan-Indigenous Violence occurs when a Pretendian (or Descendian) uses pan-indigenousness to assert themselves as Knowledge Keepers, carriers of Sweat Lodge and other Medicine Lodges, Sundance Chiefs, Pipe Carriers, Singers, and other FNMI specific roles and then makes up the ceremony and practise on the fly in the presence of their target audience.  

It is performative, inauthentic, violent, insulting and predatory for Those Who Are False to engage in this behaviour.  It is Ego-Driven and dangerous, and a threat to FNMI community (students, reconnecting, youth, the vulnerable and everyone).  It is often presented without Humility, it is Loud, is it declarative, it is imposing and presented as fact or historical when really, the practitioner is making things up.  

The Ghost Warrior Society has fielded numerous reports of Pan-Indigenous Violence, such as:
”Get naked after coming out of the Fast, it is part of the Ceremony”
”Come get your Indian name at Room ### between 10am and 4pm on this (date)”

Pan-Indigenous Violence occurs when a Pretendian (or Descendian) forces their ways as correct and the only way, and weaponizes a space or social group to retaliate against FNMI and our Allies, who speak out about Pan-Indigenous practises. They say things like “You need to go to ceremony/ You need to Smudge/ You need to present Tobacco to ask me those questions/ Our Ancestors would never tolerate Pretendian Hunters” and other verbal drivel.

popcorn elder

A Popcorn Elder is an FNMI who gives away Sacred Knowledge such as Medicine Songs, Sweat Lodge, Sundance, Pipe, and other Medicine Lodge Ways to Settlers, knowingly and willingly.   These Popcorn Elders “give permission” to these Settlers to perform the Medicine Lodge Ways.

The Pretendian (Settler) then presents and markets themselves as a student of, and having learned from the Popcorn Elder. This term was dubbed by “The Old Man Who Came Down From the Mountain”, Peter O’Chiese.

Popcorn Elders are harmful because their intent is nefarious, based on a benefit they reap from the Pretendian/Popcorn Elder relationship - and because they create division among their own FNMI nation, community and territory. Popcorn Elders contribute to the growth of Pretendianism because they satisfy the demand for cultural practises created by Pretendians and Descendians.

Popcorn Elders often unknowingly violate the cultural practises of neighbouring FNMI nations. Not all FNMI nations support the free and willing exchange of Sacred Knowledge to Settlers. The transfer of Sacred Knowledge by FNMI to Settlers - should never be taken lightly (this practise has created many, many harmful Pretendians and has created Trauma in many cases).

Popcorn Elders market our cultural practises and create unsafe spaces by creating ceremony and an environment of Falseness, and thus everyone in their social group is force-fed a fabricated and dangerous Falseness and they do not even know it. Choose your Elders, Resource People and Teachers carefully.


A Pretendian is a Settler who claims an FNMI Identity for the purpose of FNMI resource acquisition.  The Settler, or Pretendian, also accesses roles, spaces, and functions that are specifically designed for, and allocated to, FNMI through Truth and Reconciliation - to which they are not entitled.  Not all Settlers are Pretendians, in fact some Settlers are great Allies to FNMI people, communities and orgs.

Some common characteristics of the Pretendian include: shifting FNMI nations (Métis to Wendat to Mi’kmaq), using a name in an FNMI language only on social media, hyper defensiveness when being asked questions about their identity, others in their bio family do not claim to be FNMI, hiding personal identifying information, hiding their colonial legal name, hiding references to or evidence of biological family members, and having an overall Resistance to Authentication.

The Pretendian is a mentally ill person who harbours a deep sense of resentment against FNMI.  They are often unable to function socially in their own Settler peer groups, and thus they exploit FNMI social groups because of our acceptance and kindness, and because of our smaller size and set aside resources.  The Pretendian then claims roles as FNMI, and they groom others - especially FNMI youth, Elders and vulnerable populations such as the homeless, and these Pretendians are highly narcissistic in demeanour and behaviour.

The Pretendian will willingly exploit adoption or some variation of the Sixties Scoop, within their narrative as a justification for not having membership, records, community and nation.  

Pretendians are capitalist in nature and will employ all tactics necessary to further cement their deception and assure their position in FNMI spaces.  The Pretendian never gives a genuine apology, and never replaces any resources that have been stolen, once they are revealed publicly.


Pretendians often use a Proximity Claim - and this was first documented with Pretendian Archie Belaney (Grey Owl), who claimed an FNMI Identity through proximity to FNMI people and through a Lateral Claim to his FNMI spouses.  Cody Bowles of the music duo Crown Lands also used a Proximity Claim to an FNMI Identity.  In the beginning of his career, he stated he was a reconnecting Two-Spirit from the Alderville First Nation.  The Alderville First Nation community could not verify that claim, and then Cody claimed to be a reconnecting Mi’Kmaw and that his Grandfather went to IRS.  Cody later retracted his claims to FNMI Identity on December 5th, 2023 in a statement on the social media platform X.

So, if you are a Settler with no FNMI bloodline, please note:

1 Being in proximity to FNMI does not make you FNMI.
2 Living in proximity to FNMI does not make you FNMI.
3 Living within an FNMI community or settlement does not make you FNMI.

We are documenting increasing occurrences of Pretendians who claim an FNMI Identity through being in physical proximity to FNMI only, and this term is closely related to “Trauma Mining” because the two elements are both tools the Pretendians uses to secure FNMI space and resources.


Similar to “Scrubbing”, rebranding occurs when the PreteNDN or Descendian has been exposed as having very distant or NO First Nations, Métis or Inuit bloodline and they alter their Bios within social media and their professional spheres to reflect an altered existence.  This altering of their public persona is not necessarily based on TRUTH, but rather what they find minimally acceptable on a personal level.

Recall that the PreteNDN/ Descendian has had a prolonged existence in Falseness, thus the transition to TRUTH will be most difficult for them. The Rebranding process may include ambiguous wording in published Bios, such as “with Haudenosaunee Ancestry” or “with ties to the Red River”. The Rebranding is standard practise and absolves the Pretendian/ Descendian of an actual Apology (in their mind).

reconnecting (displaced FNMI)

Reconnecting refers to FNMI who have been interrupted in their life stories by Colonial Violence.  The Reconnecting includes:
- Indian Residential School Survivors
- Sixties Scoop Survivors
- Millenial Scoop Survivors
and all other biologically FNMI who have been disconnected from their communities and nations of origin because of Colonial Violence and Trauma, and other reasons.

It is a very common Pretendian Trope to use “Reconnecting” as part of their “Introduction” or “Biography” to explain a lack of records.  However, since Beverly Santa Maria used this trope so publicly, we have definitely seen this trope being embraced and over-used as by Pretendians, everywhere.  

Pretendians and Descendians have made the act of “Reconnecting” their vehicle to exploitation, so extra care must be exercised in differentiating between the two (Pretendian and Reconnecting).

It is our known experience that Reconnecting FNMI have a greater chance of adoption Pan-Indigenous practises and becoming Plastic Shamans. Thus, Reconnecting and Repatriation is best achieved through a supportive circle of FNMI and the Ghost Warrior Society offers resources to reconnect and platforms of FNMI support/ peer support.


Repatriation refers to the practise of welcoming the Disconnected back to their communities and nations of origin.  Repatriation in recent years has taken the form of:
- Welcome Home Round Dances
- Welcoming Ceremonies
- Community Walks
- Lost Children Gardens
- Films
- Monuments
and special training for community members of the home community and nation.

Repatriation is a good thing, a needed thing for the Disconnected and the Ghost Warrior Society provides a bi-weekly Tuesday evening zoom called “Homeward” that is open to all who are Displaced and Reconnecting, and is run by Sixties Scoop Survivors.

red anchor baby (“FNMI FETISH”)

Settlers who seek out FNMI spouses for the sole purpose of forming a parent child FNMI bond - that child is said to be a Red Anchor Baby - the Settler’s Living Ticket to FNMI Identity.  The child may be adopted, a step child, or born naturally to the Settler parent, but the child definitely has FNMI bloodline.

This term is closely related to the Lateral Claim, but not all Lateral Claims include children.

Which famous Pretendians had Red Anchor Babies?  
Joseph Boyden - Beverly Santa Maria - Mary Ellen Turpel Lafond - Archie Belany (Grey Owl) - Sarah Leah Beckman - ShoShona Kish - Banakonda Kennedy Kish Bell and many more!


Scrubbing refers to the act of abruptly changing social media (websites, Intros, Bios, Profiles) to erase references to FNMI Identity after being revealed as a Pretendian, or to deliberately delete online content during an authentication process.  This also refers to changing privacy protocols during authentication, in an act of deliberate sabotage.  The act of scrubbing does delay research, but is a clear indication of guilt and deception on the part of the person being authenticated.

Scrubbing is an act of Self-Preservation rooted in Narcissism.

self identification (of fnmi identity)

The Self-Identification of FNMI Identity is a system implemented in the 1990s in Canada to determine, measure and allocate resources that are specific to FNMI.  Bolstered by Truth and Reconciliation in the wake of Idle No More movement in 2012 and the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Self-Identification is a dismal failure across all sectors.

The main assumption of Self-Identification is that humans are honest and this is not the case. In this era of harsh economic times and high rent, the potential for exploitation is very real and thus, FNMI Identity has been commodified and FNMI resources have been hoarded by Settlers through Self-Identification.

For FNMI Housing alone, it is estimated that only thirty percent of occupants in these housing orgs are authentically FNMI. The remaining seventy percent of tenants simply had to check a box to claim these FNMI-specific housing units.

Perhaps the most exploited sector suffering from the Self-Identification of FNMI Identity - is Indigenous Services Canada, where managers get performance bonuses to specifically hire FNMI. They then tell their friends and coworkers to Check the Box to Self-Identify and claim spaces, resources and authority to which they are not entitled. Once hired, they make policy and claim FNMI roles and they don’t have a clue about FNMI people. These Pretendians are the most dangerous - holding the greatest influence and the vital purse strings as the primary source of FNMI resources and funding in the country.

The Self-Identification of FNMI Identity is a system ripe for failure and must be abolished.

Settlers have long exploited Self Identification and it must stop.


Someone who is not FNMI (First Nations, Métis or Inuit).

Shania twain situation

A Shania Twain refers to the era prior to 1985, where a Settler woman could marry a Status Indian man and gain Indian Status through the Indian Act.  Her children, who may have existed prior to such unions and marriages, would also be eligible for Indian Status and would be made “Status Indians” when they are in fact, Settlers.

Shania Twain, is a Settler who was adopted as Eileen Edwards when her mother married Jerry Twain of the Temagami First Nation.  Shania was then made a legal Status Indian - despite the fact her, her mother and her sister, are biologically, Settlers.  Thus, “A Shania Twain Situation” refers to Settlers who hold legal Certificates of Indian Status through colonial marriage or adoption.


AKA “TradishPreneurs”, “Culture Capitalist”, “Culture Vulture” , “SideShow Ceremony”

Sideshow NDN - is where a First Nations, Métis, Inuit - knowingly and willingly - commodifies their sacred cultural practises (a cringey form of capitalism). For example, charging hundreds/ thousands of dollars for ceremonies/ teachings/ certifications, or selling “Animal Tarot Cards” modelled on FNMI cultural icons… it’s basically peddling our Sacred Ceremony and Ceremonial Items in exchange for economic and social mobility.

This is a disingenuous practise of “monetizing that which is Sacred” and is not a universal practise of FNMI. The Sideshow NDN markets to Settlers, the Reconnecting, anyone. Some characteristics:

  • Hokey, “over-the-top”

  • Charging fees for ceremony/ ceremonial items

  • Inauthentic

  • Aggressive

  • An inflated sense of entitlement

  • Spiritually disconnected

In these cases, social, economic and cultural mobility is favoured above all else. The recently reconnecting are most likely to become “Slideshow NDNs” because they have no modern relationships with their nation of origin that would ensure Accountability and/or Humility.


Two-spirit Shield (2s Shield)

Two-Spirit Shield occurs when the Pretendian covets and acquires a role in the very distinct and small community of Two-Spirit First Nations, Métis, Inuit.  Many Pretendians take advantage of the fact that there are few very Two-Spirit Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Resource People in that particular demographic (the FNMI 2S Community).  Our Two-Spirit LGTBQIA+ kin are very Sacred and Valued within FNMI communities - and to have Pretendian(s) exploit them is harmful to all of us.  

This is a very specific and calculated exploitation, for it is considered a risk, almost taboo, to question Medicine People/ Knowledge Keepers/ Elders /Two-Spirit and the Pretendian uses the fact that they are very unlikely to get called out - to grift into that Sacred space and exploit it.  The Ghost Warrior Society would like to stress, that the most intense Retaliation and online Violence has occurred while revealing the Pretendian who occupies Two-Spirit space.

Token ndn

A Token NDN is an FNMI person who is brought in to Settlers events, programs, spaces, promotion and roles but they are there to give the illusion of responsible FNMI engagement and Reconciliation.  This Token NDN has no power, is usually paid well or given financial or other benefits, but they are there for performative reasons.  The Token NDN accepts that role to support their family, or to cultivate econcomic or other benefits.


Trauma Mining is a deliberate act of the Pretendian, and it is not meant to be an empathetic or sympathetic act of Kindness between the Pretendian and the FNMI sharing their stories of Colonial Trauma and Violence.

The Pretendian participates in Trauma Mining for one reason only, and that is to listen, copy and alter the story just enough so they can re-tell it, falsely, in another space - as if it were their own story.  Trauma Mining is despicable and an act that has been documented in over eighty percent of Pretendian reveals.  It is a violation of Trust and Humanity, for the Pretendian to mirror and copy our people, and then put out Falseness into the world.

Our stories are Sacred and “Those Who Are False” (the Pretendians), are Narcissistic and will stop at absolutely nothing… to fool their victims and get paid for the deception.


A “TRC NDN” is a Truth and Reconciliation Commission” NDN - a Pretendian who has suddenly discovered a distant FNMI relative (even from centuries ago) and who then lays claim to full FNMI benefits and identity today (shifts to FNMI Identity).  There is no mention of FNMI identity prior to this opportunistic resource grab by the Settler.

Having witnessed all the increased programs and services, roles, jobs and opportunities (including housing) since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission identified the need for these additional resources, the TRC NDN (Pretendian) is intent on Self-Identifying to GET those resources.

A TRC NDN is a Pretendian created within the last decade or so, who claims FNMI Identity for nefarious reasons.