Yes, the Pretendians are mentally ill, 100%: absolutely, incorrigibly, disingenuously.

The crux of this article depends on three important facts:

  1. FNMI Trauma exists. First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) have Colonially Imposed Trauma and it has severe impacts on those who suffer from Colonial Violence such as Indian Residential School, the Sixties Scoop, the commodification of our children by colonial Child Welfare frameworks, Racism, and countless other injustices created by Colonials and heaped upon FNMI. I know, I have it and Settlers have no concept of it no matter how they try. I call this "FNMI Trauma".

  2. Pretendians are all mentally ill people.

  3. FNMI Trauma is commodified in Canada, the United States, and in Australia.

I first encountered Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy when I was a Native Child Welfare Worker. This woman, she took her children to the doctor several times a week, relishing in the attention heaped upon her, by supposedly having to look after sickly children. She raked in that attention, and went to the doctor even more, wasting resources by running to the doctor every time they sneezed. She would not be dissauded from the conviction that her children were sickly, and she needed the attention.

It was a sick way to be, she was so convinced of her own distorted reality.

Coincidentally, all of those children grew in to healthy adults, there was never a thing wrong with them, which is what everyone else, but this mother, could see. She wasted thousands of dollars in medical care for her own ego and twisted need for attention.


Now, let's talk about the Pretendian.

FNMI Trauma: the Trauma of First Nations, Métis and Inuit is a unique thing that no other race in Canada has, it is unique, specific to our people. No other race in Canada has been commodified by the Canadian state like FNMI, we remain legally regulated by the state and these sanctions are very real, imposing and life changing. FNMI Trauma is embedded in legislation and the judicial system. I know the Truth of it, having been raised by a white couple in the Sixties Scoop. The Colonials trained me well about their world and how it works, and how it does NOT work for FNMI. I know the disparity between the two, intimately.

Pretendians are Settlers.

These Settlers, they become aware of this FNMI Trauma and they want to erase it by claiming it and diminishing it, completely. Most Pretendians have experienced some form of trauma in their Settler lives, but only FNMI Trauma can be commodified and this is a vital distinction to make. FNMI Trauma can be commodified without a lawsuit (without suing someone) and by simply 'making a claim to FNMI Identity', and this is important to note.

Only FNMI Trauma can be commodified, and this gave birth to Pretendians, who are mentally ill - with a disease I call "Munchausen's Syndrome by FNMI Identity Fraud."

Munchausen's Syndrome by FNMI Identity Fraud (MSFNMIIF) is a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behaviour of a Settler who wants to be labelled as having FNMI Trauma. It is attention-seeking behaviour in which the Settler feigns to suffer from Colonialism within the specific context of FNMI Trauma, and there are several reasons why:

  • they have failed at social and other expectations of their original race and Settler-saturated social groups;

  • they have experienced trauma and want to be paid for it by labelling their experiences as FNMI trauma, which requires a claim to be FNMI;

  • they have a fascination or love for the ideals of FNMI people and culture, including dress, language, customs, ceremony, practises and spiritual relationship with Mother Earth;

  • they are keenly aware that there are additional financial resources available for FNMI people as a direct result of FNMI Trauma ( the "commodification of FNMI Trauma");

  • they have a heavy reliance on the social credits of FNMI claims and the romantic ideals of FNMI names and roles (i.e. "Grey Owl")

  • they want to systemically reject feelings of Settler guilt and absolve themselves of responsibility for capitalism, racism, exploitation and other manifestations of Colonialism in their own lives and quality of life; and,

  • they are inherently racist, by believing that they are better at being FNMI than actual FNMI. "I'm a better Sundance Chief than them!"

    "I'm the first Indigenous to do (this)!"

"I've been sundancing and rain dancing for eight years!"

I know this is a lot to take in, and I've been thinking about it for years, discussing it with my own people, debating concepts with the Ghost Warrior Society, and refining my ideas and explaining the parallels between this new disorder that is Munchausen's Syndrome, into this Blog Post, today.

Munchausen's Syndrome by FNMI Identity Fraud ("MSFNMIIF") is a behavioural disorder marked by:

  1. Stated claims of being a First Nations, Métis or Inuit by nation or specific community "I'm Indigenous" - "I'm Mohawk" - "I'm from the Rainy River First Nation"

  2. Assuming the physical presentation of FNMI such as growing hair longer, dying hair darker, braiding hair, using tanning lotion and other tanning agents, getting FNMI tattoos and symbols, wearing FNMI clothing (i.e. a "Landback" shirt or an orange T-shirt, ribbon shirts and ribbon dresses, and in extreme cases - acquiring and wearing FNMI regalia and ceremonial items

  3. Accessing resources set aside for FNMI people, including but not limited to: funding, housing, academic roles and programs, policy making, law making, child welfare, law and justice, ceremony, language, awards, cultural knowledge keeper, "Elder" and promoting themselves from within those FNMI specific roles

  4. A Social Media presence that makes the bold claim of their chosen FNMI Identity and role

  5. An arrogance in learning an FNMI language and using it on all FNMI in an unsolicited manner

  6. An over-dependence on Settler Law and Legislation, such as the Powley decision, to cement the claim to FNMI Identity, rather than a connection to actual FNMI people and community, and quoting Black Robe Law to "prove" FNMI Identity through Colonial Systems, including using Settler Justice to enforce claims "I'm a member of the MNO" (cutting and pasting the Powley judgement - words of a withered old white man in a Settler Court)

  7. A complete absence of Colonial Traumas in their lived experience or living memory (noone in their family tree has gone to Indian Residential School, noone has been scooped in the 60s scoop or the Millenial Scoop, no Intergenerational Trauma, no racism, and the vast majority majority of their family tree is comprised of Settlers)

  8. Over reliance on Settler Systems, such as genealogical records, and a surfeit of legalese in their Biographies, Intros and communications

Other characteristics of Munchausen's Syndrome by First Nations, Métis and Inuit Identity Fraud (MSFNMIIF) include:

  • is a person who is not First Nations, Métis or Inuit (FNMI)

  • can be any profession but are more likely to be: Anthropologists, Criminologists, Psychologists or professions related to close contact with, or study of FNMI

  • is very friendly, cooperative with FNMI who they need to groom

  • fawning towards those who administer/fund/sponsor/hire FNMI resources

  • a tendency towards pan-Indigenous practices and using multiple FNMI languages in their presentation

  • a tendency to shift FNMI nations (i.e. to go from "Mi'Kmaq" to "Wendat" to Métis")

  • is a person who is overly dependant on social media and often uses a name in an FNMI language as their identity

  • hides their biological family, childhood and historical info that may reveal their Settler Truths and Reality

  • collects Elders and FNMI as social credit on social media, including photo opps and bogus generic groups on social media

  • a love for A.I. to further romanticize and display FNMI imagery and identity

  • is a person who is intensely vicious and threatening with actual FNMI people who challenge their claims to FNMI Identity (i.e. Pretendian Hunters and the like), by threatening them, intimidating them and imposing Settler Justice upon them so they will be silent and not expose their Settler Truth and Reality (a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde type of person)

  • is a person who uses sexual and physical attributes and behaviours to infiltrate and exploit FNMI spaces, roles and resources and to exploit First Nations, Métis and Inuit themselves

  • is a person who teaches their children that they are FNMI, when they are not

  • is a person who threatens their biological Settler families into silence by all means possible

  • is a person in denial and goes to great lengths to hide Settler Truths and Reality in all aspects of their lives (and may even legally change their name)

  • an inclination towards Lateral Claims to FNMI Identity (dating or marrying an FNMI spouse, adopting and having kids with an FNMI spouse)

  • using an Adoption Claim by FNMI as Identity, when their biological Truth is Settler

  • an inclination towards Proximity Claims to FNMI Identity (living near a FNMI reservation, settlement or community, or going to school with FNMI students)

  • is inherently Narcissistic in their behaviours, including a tendency to use gaslighting, control, manipulation, intimidation, violence and other Narcisisstic behaviours to control others in their lives

  • tends to be "Hokey" - meaning, over the top presentation and making grandiose claims associated with FNMI identity "I'm a Sundance Chief" or "I'm a Spiritually Gifted Moon Healer"

  • tends to pander to New Age Hippie social groups and spaces

  • uses trace DNA results of "Native American ancestry" as proof of FNMI Identity when it is unrealistic to claim as such "My results say I have 5% Native American DNA!"

  • tends to avoid actual reserves because their normally reliable story would not fly there, and they would probably get their asses kicked, or they'd have no actual FNMI show up to their Pretendian concert or event

  • is a person who carefully takes great care to nurture their Defendians and social circles, and activates these communities when the Truth of their deception may come to light

  • refuses to accept their own Settler Truths and Reality

  • resistance to authentication

  • will go to extreme measures and move great distances to try and grift in new unsuspecting communities (i.e. to move from Toronto to Vancouver)

  • will steal bundles, bundle items and will weaponize FNMI cultural practises and protocols

  • will resort to Colonial Legal Systems to protect their alternate realities

Pretendians are an unhinged bunch, and I know this because I have been dealing with them for decades. With me, who could disrupt their lives and income by exposing their Settler Truths, the Pretendian is vicious and threatening. Everyone else gets the sugar coated version, who is sweet, unassuming and they often present as vulnerable or submissive.

Don't be fooled. They're insidious, and they are predators.

They infiltrate and divide FNMI spaces and they've honed their manipulation skills.

Granted, I have zero colonial certifications, no university degree, no qualificiations whatsoever to make this assertion of this Munchausen's Syndrome by First Nations, Métis and Inuit Identity Fraud (MSFNMIIF) but it IS Truth. It's a long name but I am convinced it exists, because I have watched it reveal itself in people over and over, for years upon years and they are all the same. They are predictable.

I want to prove this disorder exists, and what you have read here is the result of many, many years of careful observation and experience from a Plains Cree woman. I KNOW this is good information and I want this discovery of this new mental illness to be attributed to me and the work I have done on the subject of Pretendians. On the forefront of activism and leading my people from harms imposed by the Pretendians, I have been saying this for years, and I'll say it over and over, until all people understand:

Pretendians are mentally ill people. Their illness is Munchausen's Syndrome by First Nations, Métis and Inuit Identity Fraud.

They must be stopped and Canadian law needs to step up and regulate this new Colonial Violence.

Pretendians are batshit crazy people.


Crystal Semaganis

Ghost Warrior Society



